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tv   Eyewitness News at 5  CBS  July 26, 2011 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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but first, mark viviano has more on the tough decisions the team has already made. mark? >> reporter: it is different. and it is now under way for 15 years the ranks flock to westminster but those have changed, thanks to a lockout that was just lifted yesterday. the players are walking into a most unusual nfl preseason. lawnwork. the day after a labor deal. the ravens get the fields ready, as the team convenes for the start of training camp. >> i think everybody is excited. you get to see a lot of smiles on everybody's faces around this building. and probably around the whole country. definitely baltimore. everybody is excited. >> as the players arrive, there is reflection. long-time ravens, along among the surprising roster cuts before camp starts. >> you're upset about it. but you know it's business.
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and you just want to relish the moments you have with them. and these are lifelong friends. and that's what the game of football has done for me. these are lifelong friends that i'll have forever. >> reporter: time to get back to work, something they'll look forward to, after a summer without football. >> feels good to be back in this building. because i started getting bored in this lockout. seeing how you work out. and not necessarily in the afternoon. i got tired of playing games. so just started watching cartoons and sleeping. >> well, there were lots of laughs. but also some cryptic comments from ravens' player representative, domonique foxworth, who arrived here today, after being eight significant player on the union side, during the negotiations. he says he fears for his job. not just because of his salary and recent injury, but because of the high-profile that he played during some very contentious conversations. speaking of that, i just spoke with derrick mason, who was here in the parking lot,
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leaving this facility for what may be the final time. we'll hear from derrick mason, coming up next hour. back to you for now. >> all right, mark. thank you. complete coverage deputies now with meghan mccorkell. she is live with reaction from ravens fans who have been anxiously awaiting the return of football. hi, meghan. >> reporter: hey, kai. yeah, we have been all over town today. and the one thing everyone is talking about. ravens football. fans are gearing up from their heads down to their toes. >> reporter: all around counsel, ravens fans are ready for some football. >> i am overly excited about it, yes. >> i'm just happy that they finally came to an agreement. and it's football. who doesn't love football? >> are you excited there's going to be a football season? >> yes. >> reporter: dave is relieved the purple patio, during ravens games a huge part of his business. >> a huge part of our profit for the year. and you know, we probably would make some changes, maybe cut
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back on some things. lay some people off. >> reporter: people had to -- he's glad the countdown to kickoff is actually official. >> license plates, steering wheel covers. >> reporter: the purple power also bringing busy to poor bis in dundalk. >> people are coming in. it's funny how it changes that quick. >> everybody is happy about it. >> reporter: the mace to be for gearing up for game day. >> i've got all of my game day. it's time to get ready for football season. and i'm ready to go. >> with a winning look, now, fans are hoping for a winning season. >> what are your predictions for the season? >> i'd like to win the super bowl. >> and i can't wait. everyone very excited. we're live.
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i'm meghan mccorkell. stay with for complete coverage of ravens training camp. we'll have the latest on the freage signing. ranks get ready for the regular season. a deadly discovery. firefighters found three people dead inside a northeast baltimore home. wjz is live. adam may reports, the fire was set to cover up the murders. adam. >> this chilling crime has neighbors concerned. also has police responding. they were called to the scene twice. >> reporter: city police investigate an appearance arson, intended to disguise a triple murder. at first, neighbors heard gunshots. >> they heard some shooting. 4:00, 4:15 this morning. >> reporter: police responded to the home. but officers left when no one came to the door. >> they knocked on the residents. they looked for any type of evidence of discharge and gunshots and unfortunately, did not find anything. >> reporter: two hours later, neighbors called 911 again when
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flames came from the same house in the 4300 block of nicholas avenue. >> i looked out the window and saw my neighbor's house across the street. i saw black smoke. on the second-story floor. >> reporter: inside, firefighters found three people with gunshot wounds wounds to the head. two males dead. a woman, barely clinging to life. >> so they quickly removed her from this location, treated her here on this scene, and transported her quickly at the bayview burn center. >> reporter: that woman, neighbors described as a daughter of one of the other victims, later died at the hospital. >> the father was pretty nice. he was pretty quiet. >> i don't know what this world is coming to. just terrible. >> reporter: neighbors say the other victim was the woman's boyfriend. police are looking into his criminal background. and they're looking into his own response. >> we're going to look into the call for service. we're going to look, did we do everything we could have done? >> under the issue of examination is probable cause.
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if they went inside the house, would they have found the victims? and would any of them have survived? >> reporter: they say the homeowner, a 58-year-old man, did not have a criminal background. a big break for the men accused of stealing historic valuable documents, they can get out of jail. vick is in the newsroom to tell us. >> reporter: the pair is accused of stealing $6 million for the documents from the maryland historical society. they have been in jail since they were arrested more than a week ago. he needs to come up with $750,000 to get out. police say the pair took 60 documents, including papers signed by abraham lincoln. kai, back to you. >> landau calls himself america's presidential histian. -- historian. developing news just into wjz. we've learned that fire chief
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academy is being replaced. some firefighters are being accused of cheating on a state licensing test. the state is investigating cheating accusations. seven days and counting. time is running out for lawmakers to reach an agreement on the debt debate. democrats and republicans are arguing over dueling plans to decrease the spending and increase the debt limit. president obama has promised to veto the plan to do a temporary raise until the end of the year. they need to do something soon to avoid an economic crisis. >> it's reasonable. it's responsible. it can pass the house. it can pass the senate. and i hope the president will consider signing it into law. >> reporter: a budget deficit is an excuse for the republicans to undermine government, plain and simple. they don't just want to make cuts. they want to destroy. >> reporter: the deadline for a deal is next tuesday. or the country risks defaulting
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on its debt for the first time ever. there's plenty at stake in those negotiations, as we know. and people here in maryland are keeping a very close eye on what's happening in washington. wjz is live. derek valcourt shows us the impact the debt crisis will have on our state. derek? >> so much of this state's economy depends on the federal government, which is why in this budget battle, maryland has a lot to lose. >> as a stalemate in washington over the debt ceiling and spending cuts reaches critical levels, marylanders of all walks are getting nervous. >> we can settle all of this other policy stuff later. but don't hold the economy hostage. >> reporter: especially worried, marylanders on fixed incomes. >> if medicare costs -- if benefits go down, and cost goes up for me, i can't meet my basic living expenses. >> reporter: also on edge, marylanders who work for the government. >> calling the senator and congressmen immediately, to object to these pay and benefit
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cuts. >> reporter: but slashes to federal spending and debate, could mean big trouble for all of maryland. >> want to argue that maryland is more vulnerable to federal state downsuiciding than any other state in the country. >> reporter: maryland benefited from $52.4 billion in federal procurements, wages and grants. there are a quarter million federal jobs located in maryland. in all, federal agencies employed 9% of maryland's work force. even more than in nearby virginia. and that doesn't include the tens of thousands of maryland contractors working with the government. economist basu says if economists make cut toss entitlement programs, it would spread the pain avenuely throughout -- evenly throughout the budget, it would help. but -- >> if they cut it, it would support the fall on
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marylanders. >> reporter: he predicts economic trouble if congress doesn't raise the debt ceiling by next week. >> reporter: if congress does decide to slash spending by $4 trillion. many say, maryland could stand to lose up to $150 -- 150,000 jobs if that does happen. that would bring maryland's employment to pre-1999 levels. der being valcourt, wjz eyewitness news-- derek valcourt, wjz eyewitness news. >> certainly a lot at stake, derek. some say maryland would need to hire significantly more to offset the downsizing. postal service is thinking about closing more than 3600 post offices around the country to save money. 10 post offices in the baltimore area could be closed to see if one is near you on the list, go to, and click on links and nbc. well are-- and numbers.
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well, the heat is on again today. scorching temperatures again yesterday. it's hot again. but at least it feels a lot more comfortable. wjz has first warning weather. bob turk and piece bernadette woods has more on what is in store for us tomorrow night. let's start with what is in store with bob. >> tremendous difference between today and last weekend. major temperature drops. yes. it's still warm out there. take a look at the readings out there. the difference is, it's much, much dryer. 94 here. 97 easton and ocean city. 77 in elkton. but the dew point is 55 degrees. around the local areas. upper 80s to lo90s. but with the dew points so low, the temperatures at 94 actually feels like 92. it's so dry out there tonight. bernadette is in the outback tonight. bernadette has a look at the heat wave. still with us. bernadette? >> temperatures are still high. but we're going to take you
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back to last week. and take you to a snapshot. snapshot. average 97.5 degrees. and the low of 74.5 degrees. temperatures could not drop overnight. there wasn't much relief. during that same time frame, the normals were 88 degrees for the normal average. and 66 for our lows. we were nearly 10 degrees above average on both our lows and highs last week alone. now, we're getting a little bit of a break from the humidity, not necessarily the heat. but all that was is going to build once again later this week. and we'll have that forecast coming up. back inside. >> bernadette, thank you. still ahead at 5:00. keeping kids safe in extreme heat. the new warning to make sure parents don't forget their children in hot cars. with this ring -- >> with this ring. >> i three wed.
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-- thee wed. >> stopping same-sex marriages. the new plan to stop it from happening here in maryland. a new plan to battle cancer. i'm monique grioago. we'll tell -- griego. we'll tell you how they are planning to prevent cancer and fight it. coming up, an accident. we'll tell you about it next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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♪ [ rock ]
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[ chattering ] [ man on tv ] 96309. [ man ] ♪ she got it, you got it ♪ i got it, we got it [ groans ] ♪ who's got it see you later. ♪ yeah! ♪ come on, she got it you got it, we got it who's got it ♪ we're all different. that's why there are five new civics. the next-generation civic. only from honda. we have breaking news in the towson area. captain mike perry has more on the backup from an accident. >> a trailer has caught fire. this is in the towson area of baltimore county. it's primarily on the left shoulder. but it is blocking the fast lane of the outer loop. and as you can see, apparently
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a trailer there caught fire. the wood on the back of it was put out by the fire department rather quickly. no significant injury. but it has caused a significant backup in both directions. the outer loop is backed up well beyond the perring parkway area. if you're coming from the east side, expect major delays. also caused some rubber-necking issues on the inner loop. and has that backed up about a mile and a half, greenspring valley neighborhood. expect delays on the beltway. state highways is on the scene, planning it up. looks like another half hour before it's absolutely clear. >> thank you, captain mike perry, reporting live. each year, about 35 children die in the back seat of vehicles when their parent or caregiver is distracted to the point they forget to take their child to day care. and with this hot weather, the crisis is growing. >> reporter: with record high temperatures nationwide, 21 children this year have died, after being left in hot cars by
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accident. today, the national toy highway traffic and safety administration stepped up efforts to prevent child deaths in hot cars. in texas, 71 children have died in hot cars over the years. including this little girl, whose mother is on a crusade r educate other parents. >> one of the sad things to admit to you today is that ray ray's death may have been prevented in so many ways. she was accidentally left in the car on a hot day, instead of being dropped off at day care. >> we are now living in a perpetual nightmare, without our little ray ray. >> reporter: experts have a safety tip. one is to put the child in a car safety seat. and put the stuffed animal in the front seat. so when you arrive at your destination, you remember your child is still back year. -- back here. >> the other is to put your car or purse in the back seat of the car. so when you get out, you have to put it in the back seat. temperatures can soar on hot days, going up 30 to 50 degrees
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in just 30 minutes. the mother who spoke up today wants day care centers to call when their children don't arrive on time. >> a mother received that call 20 minutes after she had arrived at work. she had forgotten to drop her child off at day care. she found her child dead. the temperature in the car, more than 100 degrees am. if you're waiting for someone to get home from work, let's check on the roads with kristy breslin. breslin. let's give you an update on the outer loop. you can see, the delay is very significant. it's on the outer loop. as captain mike had told you, the delay is well past pairing wark way. also affecting traffic on the north side inner loop, with that delay, back to cromwell bridge road. as far as accidents go and delays, if you're traveling on the inner loop, the delay from frederick road to liberty road, average speed at this point,
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about 45 miles an hour. and accidents, at gum spring road. liberty heights at north hilton. north howard at west north avenue. and north caroline at mcelderly. as far as travel times go, 95. minor delay there. average speed, about 55 miles an hour, about four minutes to get through. this traffic report is brought to you by subway. come in and try the unforgettably delicious barbecued, pulled pork sub. in an irresistible bold sauce. only at subway. eat fresh. kristy, thank you. bge begins an upgrade. just days ago, they restored power after three days of darkness. eyewitness news was there sunday when the power came back on for hundreds of steaming customers. bge cited needed equipment for the upgrades and vowed to fix the problem. >> hot days for sure. >> very tough time to lose your
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electricity. that's for sure. very dangerous. let's take a look at temps now. very hot out there. but so dry. 94. that's the highest i've seen. the dew point is at 55. 94 actually feels like 92. humidity only 27%. southwest winds, currently at 8. the barometer, holding steady. come back and take a look at a slightly cooler and even dryer wednesday. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, [ child's voice ] ooh, that looks good.
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[ child's voice ] can i have some? [ child's voice ] you guys should rock, paper, scissors for it. ok. [ chuckles ] best of three? sure. one-two-three-shoot. one-two-three-shoot. [ scoffs ] one-two-three-shoot. one-two-three-shoot. one-two-three-shoot. one-two-three-shoot. i win! oh, man. [ muffled ] congratulations. [ male announcer ] get your own bbq pulled pork sub at subway®.
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tender, slow-cooked pork with irresistibly bold barbecue sauce. subway. eat fresh®. it's a long way off. there's always moisture in the air. a little haze. that's a long way off. and with the low humidity. yes, if you had to work in the sun, it certainly was hot. but in the shade, literally, it was comfortable. nice little breeze. and dry, dry air. tomorrow, each a little dryer. and cooler than today. and then we begin to go back to the heat, towards the end of the week. unfortunately. take a look at temps now. we are in the low to mid-90s. cool spot, oakland, at 77. we're at 94. d.c. at 94. but once again, with the dew point that low at 55 degrees. the 94, actually feels like 92.
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not that big of a deal. but it is dry out there. and certainly not making it feel like 105, 110, 115, like it was last week. we got up to 120 in the city, real-feel last week. the air got to 117. with the dew points in the mid- 70s. unbelievably hot last week. ridiculous. now, along the east coast this afternoon, the big cities are hot. baltimore, 94. philly, new york at 91. scranton, 69. with showers there. generally in the 70s and low 80s. up toward new england. 71, 63, 69. 64. nantucket. never gets that hot there. surrounded by the cold, atlantic ocean. that's one spot you might want to go in the summertime. it's going to cost you. let me tell you. south winds. material, more of a north wind. as high pressure builds from the great lakes and canada. it's going to settle in over
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the region. keeping all of that heat and humidity temporarily down to the south. you can see issue also showers in northern new england right now. these are going to hit to northern new york. not much going on in pennsylvania. going to see a few clouds. this high pressure will governor our days. as it moves off the east coast, by thursday. temperatures go back up again. more importantly, the humidity will be increasing. by friday, it's just going to be plain hot and humid again, friday into saturday. but there will be a of thundershowers as well. northwest winds on the bay, 5 to 10 knots. tonight, then. 60s. some places may be low 60s. probably about 70. 89 tomorrow. cooler than today. lots of sun. but low humidity. even dryer than this afternoon. should be a very nice summer day. by the way, today, the average high temperature has dropped 1 degree from 88, town to 87. we're on our way toward
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eventually, colder temperatures. >> on airline. -- average. okay, bob. thank you. still to come. inside the mind of a mass murderer. same-sex marriage, versus holy matrimony. i'm pat warren coming up. religious leaders organize to stop same-sex legislation. a healthier happy meal. the changes mctonald's -- mcdonald's is making to fight childhood obesity. duct tape fashion. meet a 16-year-old entrepreneur who is taking duct tape to a whole new level. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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it is 5:30. 94 degrees in central maryland. good evening, everybody. here are some of the stories people are talking about tonight. fighting same-sex marriage. a group defending traditional marriage speaks out against the latest attempt to legalize same- sex marriage here in maryland. political reporter pat warren tells us some of the most vocal are leading the charge. >> reporter: a personal crusade for some members of the maryland general assembly. >> i was the first person in the general legislation to be here. and you know what? i'm gay. >> reporter: this is a personal crusade for some. >> this is our opposition.
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and this is our stand. we have a fight on our hands. >> reporter: religious leaders and traditional marriage supporters around the state join delegate and pastor emmett burns to protest legalizing s same-sex marriage. >> i believe new york showed you could do those things. >> maryland is not new york. >> no. >> we intend to hold their feet to the fire. martin o'malley needs to understand that the people of maryland don't want marriage redefined. >> we don't want it to happen. and that's what we're gearing up for. >> we are not taking the pontius pilate hand on this. we don't want it in our community, we don't want it in our churches, we don't want it any place. >> reporter: they say it's not about hate. >> god has established a man and a woman to be marriage, and to have children, procreate. that doesn't take away from the fact that god loves everyone, unconditionally. >> in this case, love is the
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battlefield. >> all of us want our children to grow up in homes that are stable, secure, loving, and committed, and protected equally, under the law. and that's what this is about. >> reporter: at the least, getting a vote in the final general assembly could move the reverend referendum. and voters could have their say. >> a same-sex marriage bill passed the senate this year am but failed to get a bill on the house of delegates. no time in jail, despite to confessing to child pornography charges. gregory alan christy. under the plea agreement, he must forfeit his teaching license and registered as a -- register as a sex offender for 15 years. a teen stabbed his father during an argument.
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police say span-year-old allen -- 17-year-old allen shank. police say his father was suffering from multiple stab wounds when they found him lying outside their home in pasadena. he was taken to shock trauma but is expected to survive. no word yet what caused the argument. he has confessed to mass murder. and his own lawyer says he is probably insane. police are starting to release some of the names of the victims. >> reporter: 16-year-old edith knudsen didn't think she would see her own family again. >> i was that scared of my own life. and i thought, i was not able to say goodbye. >> reporter: she jumped into a boat to escape the bullets. she said that split-second decision saved her life. >> i'm so sure i survived. >> reporter: at least 76 people
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died during the island rampage. and the bombing in oslo. the lawyer for confessed killer andes brevic says his client is likely insane. >> he's in a war. and he says that the rest of the world, especially the western world, don't happened his -- understand his point of view. >> reporter: a handful of people are still missing. so the search continues. authorities say they have combed the entire island and are now focusing their efforts on the water. >> we do the best we can. and so want to find them so parents can have a grave to go to. >> people are paying tribute to the victims, with huge displays of flowers all around downtown oslo. and some are bringing flowers to the dock, facing the island retreat. >> we are a small country. and it's our suffering. >> reporter: police have reduced security near the bomb site, saying it's time to give the city back to the people.
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anna metranga, cbs news, oslo, norway. >> brevic said he was surprised he was not stopped earlier. he claims he was part of a broader conspiracy. but officials now believe he acted alone. oregon democrat david woo announced today that he was resigning. a friend's 18-year-old daughter said she had an unwanted sexual encounter with woo, but woo's staff claims it was consensual. woo will step down. a georgia woman was in court today, faying charges in the death of her 4-year-old son. denise is in the newsroom with more on the outcome and the possibility of a new trial. denise? >> well, mary. raquel nelson was convicted of vehicular manslaughter after her son was killed in a hit-and- run last year. nelson was crossing traffic when her 4-year-old son darted into traffic. he was struck and killed by a van. today, she was sentenced to a
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year of probation. she could have spent up to three years in jail. the judge is also giving her a rare chance for a trial. her attorneys are planning to try to clear her name. a maryland boy is in the hospital after being shot by lightning in an indiana cemetery last weekend. ryan summers and another boy were in a grave yard for a family reunion when the storm rolled in. that's when the lightning struck and shot both boys. they're recovering in the hospital. >> reporter: a cancer diagnosis can be devastating and overwhelming. but now the state is stepping up its effort to help patients fight the disease. in tonight's healthwatch, monique griego explains what the plan means for you. >> reporter: michael cash is staying positive for his battle with throat cancer but says at first, the diagnosis was overwhelming. >> what can i do?
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what chances do i have to survive? >> reporter: in maryland, one in four people will die of cancer, making it the leading cause of death. those numbers helped state leaders create a new cancer control plan. unveiled today at the sydney kimmel comprehensive cancer center. >> this is truly a comprehensive on how to treat cancer. >> the works as -- plan works as a guidebook and helps. >> how to navigate that system. because people fall through the cracks. >> reporter: he had one simple goal. >> to make sure people who are uninsured, underinsured, or people of color had the same access as everyone else. >> reporter: in 1986, maryland had the third highest cancer mortality rate. in 2003, we dropped to the 21st. state health leaders say things will keep getting better, if people improve their lifestyles. >> the plan also has a lot of information on how you can help
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yourself by first exercising and then eat being right. but kicking the habit was the plan's number 1 point. >> it's not about the cancer. it's about the overall health. >> reporter: cash says the plan proves, maryland is the right place for him to be. >> reporter: the university of maryland greenbaum cancer center also helps create the cancer plan. mary? >> monique. thank you. if you would like to find out how you can access the new plan, log onto our website, click on the news on the home page. time for a quick look at some of the stories you'll find tomorrow morning's edition of the baltimore sun. a growing controversy. teachers are being let go. find out how chefs deal with the dog days of sumner those hot kitchen -- summer in those hot kitchens. and for these stories and more, read tomorrow's baltimore sun. and remember to look for the updated forecast, from wjz's first warning weather team. making duct tape fashionable. that is the goal of an owings
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mills teenager. andrea fujii introduces us to the boy who is outfitting people around the country with the sticky stuff. >> reporter: to say duct tape has many uses is an understatement for 16-year-old alex cosgarea. >> i like how it's not something everyone has thought of before. >> reporter: for the last year and a half, this high school junior has been making and selling wallets, hats, and even a coat out of duct tape. >> i started off just making a couple of these in my basement. and just to see how much i've been able to expand. it's amaze. >> reporter: to -- amazing. >> reporter: toss keep up with demand, alex has set up a website. >> he's wise beyond his years. i'm not sure we could have done it at his age. >> reporter: each duct costs about $5. and so far, he's used about 300
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rolls. at first, he barely broke even. but now he's made about $1,000. >> some future kind of goals that viis to maybe make full suits. and other extravagant things that are duct tape. >> reporter: andrea fujii, wjz eyewitness news. >> i love it all. and it's waterproof, too. i love it, i love it, i love it. alec donates 5% ofs revenue to charity. to see more, go to, and click on the news tab. i love that shocking pink. i know our general manager would freak out if i wore it on set. but i love it. >> if there's any reason why men love duct tape. i keep a role in -- roll in my car. >> just because? >> kai? okay. still ahead on eyewitness news. a woman startled by an unexpected visitor. and this man is standing there, butt naked. and i'm saying, who are you? how did you get here?
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how she fought back and scared the guy away. and paying a price for your junk food fix. the plan that could have you digging deeper into your wallet to buy some of your favorite food. bob tirk. turk. more of that hot air headed your way for the end of the week. i'll have the exclusive first warning five-day forecast. >> here's today's report from wall street.
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♪ [ female announcer ] everybody loves that cushiony feeling. uh oh. i gotta go. [ female announcer ] and with charmin ultra soft, you can get that same cushiony feeling you love while still using less. charmin ultra soft has extra cushions that are soft and more absorbent.
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so you can use four times less versus the leading value brand. ah. [ female announcer ] using less never felt so good. we all go... why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra soft. you can buy great produce and help the local economy at the same time. joanne webber will slice and peel about 45. >> whole process takes about an hour and a half. it's labor intensive because of the peach peeling. absolutely. >> webber's is a family-owned farm. been around since 1947. tomatoes, beaches, squash and much more. where you can get fresh food from the neighborhood. >> i think we ought to have
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safe food. but there's a comfort in knowing where you got your food. people like that. >> it's being embraced by shoppers and farmers, too. >> it's very important to us because this is how we make our living. and it's also important that everybody eats fresh fruits and vegetables. >> how am i doing. >> you're doing great. you want a job? >> reporter: it gets gooey. but it's a baltimore thing. >> because i've had customers from out of state that come in. and i show it to them. and they say, that's not a cake. and i'm like, it's a baltimore peach cake. >> finding local and eat being fresh. >> keeping good for the economy, it's good for the business world. good for the economy. and good for for the best. >> ron matz, wjz eyewitness news. >> wow. looks really good. well, the buy local campaign runs through sunday. to find stores that sell local product in your neighborhood, go to our website,, can and click on the scene on tv
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section. >> hard to talk after all of this good food. much more comfortable afternoon out there. it's warm, but certainly doesn't feel as hot as it has the last few days. wjz has your first warning weather forecast. bob turk and bernadette woods are here with a look at what's in store for the raftest week. -- rest of the week. >> low humidity is going to continue. because of that, we're dropping down tonight. tomorrow, sunshine once again. going to 89 degrees. and tomorrow night, we start to drop also. we're right back down into the 60s overnight. for the rest of the five-day, with some changes, here's bob. tomorrow, a little cooler. and dryer today. beautiful day. 89, 66. starts to get humid again thursday afternoon, thursday night. back to mid-90s. upper 90s friday. and hot and humid. probably heat index of 105 on friday. get ready for that. chance for a thunderstorm on saturday. still in the mid-90s. a little cooler. but partly cloudy skies. 92 on sunday.
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kai? >> bob. thank you. a missing texas man spends three days trapped inside a snake-infested hole. police say the manhole cover was missing and that he fell more than 30 feet to the bottom. the man was covered in snake bites and sewage. and doctors say he was suffering from dehydration. but he is expected to be okay. hollywood producer has bought the rights to the amazing story. they were finally rescued last october. production on the movie is set to begin in 2012. an elderly woman scares the pants off a man who breaks inside her home. the man climbed through her kitchen window, took off all of his clothes clothes and even made himself something to eat. the woman confronted him before he wandered upstairs while her grandson was still sleeping. the 76-year-old woman took matters into her own hangds. >> i said, no, you didn't. and that's when i grabbed the
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bag. and he figured i was just showing it. so i hit him with it. and beat him out the door. >> reporter: after being hit with that louisville slugger, the man made a run for it. police are still trying to figure out how he broke in in the first place. check in for eyewitness news at 6:00. vic is in the newsroom with near for us. two men shot near patterson park. one of them dies. the crime was shocking enough. but the suspect was a 14-year- old girl. tonight, her plea in court. and -- >> it was a train derailment and fire that triple -- crippled downtown baltimore. i'm adam may. is the tunnel safe today. and should taxpayers split the bill for an expensive replacement. >> check in for more on these stories and the baking news. this is one bottle. wine you want to save for a very special occasion. the most expensive wine ever
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commercially sold just changed hands in london, lessen to this, for the price of $123,000. the french wine has been preserved for two searches. it was purchased by a collector, who will finally get a taste in 2017. that's when he celebrates his 50th year of the wine business. >> i hope to goodness that it tastes like something other than vinegar. >> yeah. long time. >> a lot of money spent on it. still to come tonight on wjz eyewitness news. a happy meal makeover. the extra items being added to the meal and other changes to make it healthier. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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surprising upset to baltimore's michael phelps. fellow american in the 200 freestyle. phelps was trying to reestablish his dominance in the swimming world, heading into next year's in london. despite the disappointing numbers. phelps says he is in the right
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direction. mcdonald's is giving the happy meal a makeover. starting in september, mcdonald's will add a serving of fruits or vegetables to all of the happy meals. the portion of french fries will also get smaller. kids will be able to choose from apples, orange slices, carrot slices or raisins, depending on time of year. taxing nonnutritious items like do nuts. michelle has more on the growing debate. >> reporter: for the nation, the created cheap fast food, we're paying quite a hefty toll. >> potato chips, cookies. big, greasy cheeseburgers. loaded with sat saturated fat and calories. >> reporter: with the percentage of obese adults doubling in the past 30 years, and the obesity in children
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tripling, the annual healthcare costs has gone over $100 billion. >> we often discourage these foods and sodas, the way we discourage smoking. >> reporter: he thinks soda and junk foods should be taxed, just like cigarettes. >> the way we discourage smoking and continue to discourage smoking is we tax cigarettes, a lot in some states. >> reporter: call it a junk food tax and whole food subsidy. raise the calories high in fat. and drop the costs of fruit, organics and other vegetables. >> how much did you pay for the chip? >> $1. if they were $2 more, would you buy them? >> no. >> while some say a new tax is the last thing we need, it could mean a healthier america. >> healthy lunch, huh? >> michelle miller, cbs news, new york. >> another study estimated
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attacks on sugar, sweetened with beverages in new york state. could save $3 billion in healthcare costs in 10 years. >> also tonight's wjz healthwatch. it's no secret exercise keeps the heart healthy. now, there's more evidence it keeps the brain healthy as well. they found aerobic exercise and strength training are vital for memory detention and decision- making skills. and it's important for kids to start early. still ahead on eyewitness news tonight. this is mark viviano. players,a riving for the start of training camp and some leaving. i'll speak with derrick mason about the cuts. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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football fix. the ravens are back in business. complete coverage as the players get back to work. and fan favorites get cutbacks. gruesome discoveries. the bodies of three people burned out inside a baltimore home. i'm derek valcourt. coming up, why this federal budget battle could hurt maryland more than any other state. that's coming up. turning down the humidity. how long the pleasant weather will last. don't miss the updated first warning forecast. >> check in for these stories and all the day's breaking news. >> wjz eyewitness news at 6:00 starts now.
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game on. players back to work. >> tonight, the fan excitement. and what needs to be done before the season kicks off. >> hello, everyone. i'm vic carter. >> and i'm denise koch. here's what people are talking about tonight. >> football is back. and it's going to be a frantic few days for the ravens and their fans. a lot has to be done in the next few weeks. meghan mccorkell with excited fans. but first, sports director mark viviano has more where the players and coaches are ready to get back on the court. >> training camp certainly feels and looks different than


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